
Engineering solutions for your projects since 1986

MECENG Pty Ltd is a family owned company with over 35 years of hands on industry experience, offering a range of engineering and industrial services. Located in Cairns Australia, we work on everything from upgrading old technologies to creating custom solutions for each client's needs. Our specialists take the time to be both creative and meticulous so that our clients can rest assured their engineering and maintenance interests are being looked after by people who have been doing the same thing for decades.

Marc McDonnell

Director of Engineering

Marc is our technical and engineering lead with over 35 years of experience in a variety of engineering disciplines. With a very strong design, manufacturing and maintenance background, Marc has lead countless major projects and installations throughout Australia, Canada and the United States. Fluent in Solidworks, Finite Element Analysis, MEX Maintenance Software, Microsoft Project and comfortable in fields from materials handling, recycling, mining, passenger ropeways, maritime, and height safety, Marc’s diverse engineering knowledge allows Meceng to meet our customers needs. Marc was also a committee member for the review of AS 4722:2018 Passenger Ropeways and Conveyors

Daniel McDonnell

Director of Operations

Daniel began contract drafting in Solidworks in 2013 and since then has built a diverse portfolio of engineering experience. Dan worked as a fitter in the mining industry and also completed and worked in confined space rescue, working at height and is fluent in the operation of MEX maintenance software. Daniel’s broad and complimentary knowledge of the engineering fields Meceng services, and his passion, drive and dedication to all things operational in Meceng ensures our customers receive the best products and service.

Lindsay McDonnell

Director of Sales and Marketing

With a background in television, media, and communication Lindsay quickly established herself in marketing and managerial roles early in her career. With degrees in media and communication as well as a post graduate certificate in business management, Lindsay brings a flare, talent and drive for Meceng’ sales and marketing management. In addition Lindsay’s fluent knowledge of Microsoft projects and her experience as a project manager help her integrate seamlessly with Meceng’ operations and engineering.